Grade 10

Immigration: The Citizenship Process

The term “undocumented immigrant” refers to anyone residing in any given country without legal documentation. Do you have any friends who are undocumented, or know of anyone that is? Growing up as a first-generation American, many adults I know are undocumented. They are among the other 11 million people living in the US hoping to […]

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Grade 10

Does America Need “Aliens”?

Millions of immigrants go to America each year. They come for different reasons such as job opportunities, starting a new life, better rights and many more. However, a lot of immigrants in the United States came here without legal documentation or permission. Law enforcement workers from the states that border Mexico – California, Arizona, and […]

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global migration
Grade 8

Global Migration: Moving To America

Thousands of Ethiopians leave their home every year and many of them arrive in America. Like my family, they start their lives from scratch. My family’s story of global migration started a few years ago when my parents moved to the United States from Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. An immigrant is a person who moves […]

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Grade 9

An Immigrant’s Pride

Fifteen years ago, two scientists in their twenties gave up their respectable jobs and their cozy apartment, bid farewell to their family and friends, left their hometown, and came to a new country—America. All they had were a yet to be born baby, 4 suitcases and a thousand dollars. They studied hard, worked diligently and […]

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