Gun Control
Grade 7

School Shootings

Close your eyes and imagine this, “I love you so much mom. Forgive me for everything I did bad. I love you. I love you. I love you.” That was Aliyah Eastman, a high schooler that was involved the Parkland Florida school shooting. Imagine this was your child. This was your child calling you because […]

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Gun Control
Grade 10

Gun Control in America

Imagine a kid is walking home from school. The kid is excited, skipping trying to get home faster. He just got a one hundred on his math test. Next to him is his best friend. They part ways. He rounds the corner to his house and sees police cars and ambulances. He climbs the stairs […]

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Gun Control
Grade 10

The Need for New Gun Control Restrictions

Did you know that there have been at least 1,216 mass shootings in America since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting and firearm deaths in America totaled more than 32,000 in 2013 (Lopez)? In America, there are approximately two hundred seventy million firearms possessed by civilians but only 897,000 are carried by police (Karp, Aaron […]

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police cars
Gun Control
Grade 9

Teens, Guns, and Violence

Over the years, I have lost many friends and nearly lost family members because of gang violence. I have been to a few funerals of friends who were shot and killed simply because of where they live. Some of my others friends have been shot, but thankfully survived. Gang violence has an especially big impact […]

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