Gender Equality
Grade 9


Imagine figuring out you are pregnant! Let that sink in. You are not prepared or in the right situation to bring a baby into this world. No money, no family/friends, not even a job. The responsibility of taking care of a baby isn’t something you can decide quickly on. What do you do? Or what […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 9

Lack of Abortion Rights and Mental Health

Over the past couple of months, our mostly conservative, white, cis-male Supreme Court has chosen to override the Constitutional right to abortion. They left it up to the states to decide on the laws for women and our bodies. The unsafe abortion rates and sexual violence leading to women being forced to carry pregnancies to […]

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Grade 12

Women in STEM

For a long time in society, women have been expected to stay home and take care of the house and the kids, and the men go out and work to pay the bills. But we are in the 21st century and women should be able to study any major they want to, but that is […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 6

Teacher Pay Gap

Most people do not know that the pay that teachers get is unequal between female and male teachers, so we should rise up for equal pay! I care about this issue because most of my family have become professors or teachers. All teachers work hard at their jobs and should receive the same amount of […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 8

Gender Wage Gap

A very close family friend compared her check to her male colleague’s check. She noticed that she was paid less than her colleague even though they worked in the same field. At that moment she felt that her work was unvalued. How would you feel if this happened to you? Women are getting paid less […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 10

Abortion is Their Choice

As someone with the ability to carry a child, I believe that decision of what becomes of my body should be up to me. Being forced to take care of another being while still figuring out how to take care of yourself is something many people struggle with today. If this problem ever becomes my […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 10

Sexualization of Women in Media

Many women have experiences with being sexualized throughout their lives, and for some it began at a very early age. The sexualization of women has in fact been normalized in society, with examples such as the Japanese schoolgirl trope, infantilization, and young girls wanting to “grow up” when it comes to sexual maturity. Teenagers are […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 8

Gender Bias

“Gender bias does worldwide damage… It’s at the core of social customs that keep women down.”, Melinda Gates. Gender bias is mostly found in cultural education and the economy. Not only does it oppress our women but also our men. People should pay attention and speak out about gender bias in social and cultural factors […]

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child bride
Gender Equality
Grade 10

Child Marriage

Hello, my name is Destiny Hardy a 10th grader from McKinley Tech, and my topic is child marriage. Do you have a child under the age of 18? Now, how would you like to attend their wedding this year? Approximately 12 million girls are married before they turn 18 every year; underaged girls – like […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 6

Women’s Inequality

Hey! My name is Amyah, I am in the 6th grade. I attend Achievement Prep. I am an honor roll student. When I get older I don’t want to worry about my future getting compromised because of a pay gap! I want to be a doctor and don’t want to be discriminated against because of […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 10

The Struggle to Keep Abortion Legal

With a change in presidency, abortion access rights are being threatened. Republicans tend to support pro-life, and, therefore, want to reinstate anti-abortion laws. With a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate to support Republican President Donald Trump, Roe V. Wade, a landmark court case that recognized, legislated, and protected pro-choice laws, is […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 8

Tampon Tax

I know that I am lucky to be a girl in the United States, especially when menstruation is concerned. I have access to everything I need to manage my menstrual health and hygiene. However, girls and women are marginalized by the fact that feminine hygiene products are subject to the luxury tax. The tax makes […]

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