Grade 10

Racism in Schools

Cultural racism is discrimination against minority groups that creates challenges. Students of color have been affected by cultural racism by not having access to higher education and experiencing higher chances of exclusionary discipline. Therefore, teachers and administrators should hire a variety of teachers from diverse backgrounds, apply anti-racism practices to make students of color more […]

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Grade 10

The Teaching of the History of America in America

Did you know that 87 percent of content taught about Native Americans includes only pre-1900 context and 27 states did not name an individual Native American in their history standards? Meaning after the wars and carnage that the Natives were involved in they began to be excluded from history books. In America today, this history […]

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Grade 8

Teen Suicide Prevention

Imagine yourself as a student or teacher and the principal walks in and says one of your classmates or students has committed suicide. What are the feelings that hit you? Does your stomach drop? Does it feel like there isn’t enough air in the room? Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young […]

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Grade 6

Technology in Schools

I always use technology to help with my schoolwork. For example, I use Google Translate to help with Spanish. It would be more difficult for me to do my work without things like Google and YouTube because they have videos or websites that are helpful to me. Schools should allow phones, computers, and security technology […]

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Grade 12

School and Community Service

How many of you have participated in community service and didn’t understand the purpose of it or couldn’t engage? I definitely have. One day I was participating in an environmental conservation activity. Instead of cleaning litter or assisting at a nursing home, I would rather have spent time with cuddly puppies at an animal shelter […]

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Grade 12

Women in STEM

For a long time in society, women have been expected to stay home and take care of the house and the kids, and the men go out and work to pay the bills. But we are in the 21st century and women should be able to study any major they want to, but that is […]

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Grade 5

Black Educators

Quick fact: Fewer than one in ten teachers in American public schools are Black. In those same schools, almost 80% of those teachers are white. The majority of K-12 students never have a Black teacher. As one of those kids who has seen this phenomenon, I can tell you it is a travesty. Black educators […]

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Grade 10

Taking the Leap

Consider taking some time off before starting college to explore the world, make massive money, and most importantly, figure out what profession you want to pursue in the future. This is known as a gap year, and it is during this time that students realize they may need time to collect their thoughts before moving […]

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coronavirus schools 1
Grade 8


Imagine on Friday the thirteenth you just found out that your usual 2-day weekend had been extended to three days then you slowly watched as those “3 days” turned into 585 days. Crazy right?! Now imagine if I told you that you’ve been through this before. March 13th 2020 the country was called into a […]

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school racism scaled
Grade 8

Racism in Urban Education

Most of us recognize and stand solidly against overt expressions of racism, such as racial slurs, brutality, cross-burnings by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), and various practices of blatant racial segregation and discrimination; however, overt racism is just the tip of the iceberg. There is the other racism that has concealed itself in the fabric […]

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Grade 8

Dress Codes

According to, Americans spend around $1 billion per year on uniforms. That’s a lot of money for something which won’t even fit you next year. I was at school once when I witnessed an unfair dress code with my own eyes. There was a girl with a crop top which wasn’t showing anything. She […]

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Grade 8

Paying College Athletes

Do you know how much money a D1 football team brings in? It’s important to know because college athletes aren’t getting paid while putting their bodies at risk and also failing because of their training. Then they can’t play in the games because they have a low GPA. That’s why this is important. A problem […]

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