dreamstime m 84025561
Justice System
Grade 8

Hate Crimes in America

A hate crime is a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically involving violence. During the election, a lot of hate speech was used, mostly by President Trump. After the election ended, more hate crimes and more hate speech were used because people saw it reflected in their new president. When people see […]

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dreamstime m 45466117
Gender Equality
Grade 10

The Dangers of Gender-Specific Advertising

Have you ever walked down the toy aisle of a large department store and noticed the great amount of disparity between toys meant for girls and boys? The difference between the pretty, delicate, pink features of girls’ toys and the rough-and-tumble, destructive blue toys made with boys in mind is jarring, but the connotations of […]

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Grade 8

Stop Climate Change

The effects of climate change will cause destruction and danger all across the world. The earth is about 317 million square feet (Coffey). That’s all. That’s all the land, water, and resources we have. So why destroy it? Why become dependent on things like oil and coal that kill our planet? Over the course of […]

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Justice System
Grade 8

Justice for Victims of Police Violence

How do policemen get away with killing an unarmed man? That is what many people are trying to find out after several incidents all over the country have resulted in police officers not being charged or convicted for deaths of unarmed civilians. The public wants answers after so many people have been killed at the […]

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Video Games
Grade 10

Violent Video Games

You think video games are fun, don’t you? Some games, however, are extremely violent. Violent video games are important to me because I believe they prevent children from being more active and happy. I chose this topic because I feel that video games contribute to a negative change in the behavior of children over time. […]

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School Safety
Grade 6

Going Too Far with School Safety

Imagine walking into a school. As you walk in you see a security guard. Now imagine that the security guard is holding a military rifle. This has been happening in some schools across the country. If this were happening in my school, I would feel extremely uncomfortable and scared. If for some reason a security […]

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animal testing
Animal Cruelty
Grade 10

Animal Testing is Animal Cruelty

Every year 100 million or more animals are harmed due to animal testing (“Top Five”). Despite advances in technology, this method of testing product safety is still used in countries all around the world. Although the U.S. leads the world on innovative research and methods, many companies here still use the outdated, barbaric practice of […]

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dreamstime m 60900357
Grade 10

Cost of College

Are you graduating from high school, excited to enter a new phase of your life? The feeling is amazing! But wait – let us think about after the feeling is over. When college ends, imagine all the debt that has to be paid back. By the time you achieve the highest potential degree and finally […]

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dreamstime m 58121525
Grade 6

Let’s Take Down Bullying!

How would you feel if someone yells “Four-eyes!” in your face, or trips you making you drop all your stuff? I’m guessing mad. Yeah, I understand. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re about to explode with anger! I was once bullied because I was short and nerdy (and I still am!). Trust […]

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Justice System
Grade 7

Stop the Brutality, Wear a Body Camera

Why are police officers killing and being mean to black people in our communities? The police brutality in our communities is a very important issue to me as I am a young black male and hearing on the news how police are killing and abusing black people affects and scares me. I grew up learning […]

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Food and Nutrition
Grade 10

Food Inequality in DC

Can you imagine what it might be like to not have enough money to feed your family? Or, what if the nearest grocery store to your home was five miles away, but you did not have a car? These are real-life problems faced by people in Southeast, Washington, D.C. everyday. In this part of the […]

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dreamstime m 67892367
Gender Equality
Grade 10

Gender Roles in Modern Society

I have personally been pressured to behave and dress in more traditionally feminine ways by my mother and sisters. This often goes against my nerdy, tomboyish nature, especially since I do not enjoy wearing things like earrings, high-heels, (most) bright colors, or frilly clothes – the types of things that are equated to femininity. I […]

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