gay 743010 640
Grade 10

LGBTQ Bullying

Did you know almost 34% of LGBTQ youth are bullied on school property? 28% of LGBTQ youth are bullied through social media. 13% of LGBTQ students do not show up to school for safety concerns. This topic impacts me personally because I am a part of the LGBTQ community and I want to put a […]

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dreamstime m 26271054
Gender Equality
Grade 10

The Struggle to Keep Abortion Legal

With a change in presidency, abortion access rights are being threatened. Republicans tend to support pro-life, and, therefore, want to reinstate anti-abortion laws. With a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate to support Republican President Donald Trump, Roe V. Wade, a landmark court case that recognized, legislated, and protected pro-choice laws, is […]

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womens 2701154 1280
Grade 10

Let Me Learn

Human rights are intended for both male and female security, but for hundreds of years many have distinguished women’s rights from human rights. A basic human right that we all have, is a right to an education, so why are there over 60 million girls unable to attend school? Still being young, I myself have […]

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nuclear weapons test 67557 1920
Grade 10

Nuclear Crisis on the Horizon

A nuclear weapon is simply known as a weapon that uses nuclear energy to create an explosion. Nuclear weapons were invented on July 16, 1945 in the operation known as the Manhattan Project. Through the creation of the nuclear bomb, the US was able to have a swift victory over Japan in World War II. […]

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Justice System
Grade 10

Mass Incarceration of Black Males

Why is it that black men get sent to jail more often for a non-violent drug offense than a white man? A white man would be able to walk away as a free man, while a Black man would have to serve some type of sentence in the prison system. This injustice causes Black men […]

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Gun Control
Grade 10

The Need for New Gun Control Restrictions

Did you know that there have been at least 1,216 mass shootings in America since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting and firearm deaths in America totaled more than 32,000 in 2013 (Lopez)? In America, there are approximately two hundred seventy million firearms possessed by civilians but only 897,000 are carried by police (Karp, Aaron […]

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teen pregrancy
Grade 10

Let’s Lessen Teen Pregnancy

What if your sister, your daughter, or any teen girl you cared about suddenly got pregnant? My old friend got pregnant at a young age and that is when I realized it’s a very real thing. I had never seen teen pregnancy first-hand, especially someone I knew, and so I want to try and advocate […]

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capitol 22546 1920
Grade 10

The Voice of the People

Did you know that 62% of Americans want to abolish the Electoral College (Matthews 2016)? The Electoral College is not a place! It is a body of people representing the states of the U.S. who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. Every state gets one electoral vote for each […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 10

The Dangers of Gender-Specific Advertising

Have you ever walked down the toy aisle of a large department store and noticed the great amount of disparity between toys meant for girls and boys? The difference between the pretty, delicate, pink features of girls’ toys and the rough-and-tumble, destructive blue toys made with boys in mind is jarring, but the connotations of […]

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Video Games
Grade 10

Violent Video Games

You think video games are fun, don’t you? Some games, however, are extremely violent. Violent video games are important to me because I believe they prevent children from being more active and happy. I chose this topic because I feel that video games contribute to a negative change in the behavior of children over time. […]

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animal testing
Animal Cruelty
Grade 10

Animal Testing is Animal Cruelty

Every year 100 million or more animals are harmed due to animal testing (“Top Five”). Despite advances in technology, this method of testing product safety is still used in countries all around the world. Although the U.S. leads the world on innovative research and methods, many companies here still use the outdated, barbaric practice of […]

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Grade 10

Cost of College

Are you graduating from high school, excited to enter a new phase of your life? The feeling is amazing! But wait – let us think about after the feeling is over. When college ends, imagine all the debt that has to be paid back. By the time you achieve the highest potential degree and finally […]

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